School magazine analysis

Overall I thought I did a decent magazine which could potentially be a good magazine for my school. I found fireworks quite easy to use and it was full of a variety of features that could be used to make a magazine to a high standard.

Analysis of magazine...
-Masthead: ‘County high’ refers to the school name and has a ‘slang’ tone because it’s an abbreviation of the school name which pupils could relate too.
-Primary image: An image of a girl looking confused which is comical and is intriguing.
-USP: ‘The ultimate magazine for you’ this could persuade a pupil to buy it.
-Direct mode of address: The use of this attracts people, makes it more personal and engages you
-Typography: The use of stencil font for the title makes it stand out because it’s a bold font and it is bright pink which is eye catching and a contrast to the black. The other text is times new roman which is plain and simple which is easy to read and I made it blue so it had an aspect of the school within the magazine.
-Rule of three: I have used three colours which are black, pink and blue because too many colours could make the magazine look messy and confusing. Also it needs to be continuous throughout so it looks like it all belongs to one magazine.

Good points
-The use of having the school logo on the cover and the contents refers back to the schools ‘look’ and indicates which school it is intended for. Also I changed the colour of it to meet the rule of three.
-The primary image on the cover s good because it is very different as it is quirky and is quite comical.

Bad points
-The blue text in the 'editors note' blends into the background too much so it isn’t a big contrast in colours so it could be hard to read for some people.
-The picture of the editor is too big because the editor isn’t really important and doesn’t need to be shown so obviously and could distract people from the purpose of the contents-to inform.
What would you change?
If i had to change something about the school magazine i would change the colour of the text used for the contents and the headings on the front. The blue did not contrast against the black making it hard to read. Therefore I may use a different blue that was brighter. E.g. turquoise or aqua.