Music magazine analysis- Mojo

Mojo music magazine was first published in 1993 and is still being published now being referred to one of the greatest music magazines of all time. Mojo mainly specializes in the genre of rock but does cover other genres such as pop and indie. The magazine always has iconic and influentual music bands and solo artist on the covers for example they’ve had the Kings of Leon and Pink Floyd.  Moreover it is often criticized for its frequent coverage of classic rock acts such as The Beatles and Bob Dylan; it has nevertheless featured many newer and ‘under the radar’ acts. It was the first mainstream magazine in the UK to focus on The White Stripes, whom it has covered as passionatly as many older acts.

I am analysing the September 2006 issue.

Mojo magazine is published monthly in the United Kingdom and is one of the more expensive music magazines as he specific issue that I am analysing is £4.10 but recent issues have increased to £4.50.

Mojo was originally published by Emap but in January 2008 it changed and Bauer became the publishers. In early 2010, Mojo was involved in a controversial move by its new parent company, Bauer, via Bauer's attempt to impose a new contract on all photographers and writers, which takes away their copyright and off-loads liability for libel or copyright infringement from the publisher onto the contributor. 200 photographers and writers from Mojo and Bauer's other music magazines, Kerrang! and Q were reported as refusing to work under the new terms. Bauer is a mass institution as it produces a lot of things brands mainly to do with magazines and radio. Other music magazines that are published by Beaur are Empire, Kerrang! And Q. By Bauer being its institution I thing this has an effect on the magazine itself in many ways. The magazine advertises other music magazines that there target audience might want to read and it does this by having links to the other magazines website. This is known as synergy. This has such a significant effect on Bauer because by having free advertising it would increase the amount of readers that the magazine has and the more readers they get overall; the higher income they’ll get. Also can help support them in times of financial difficulty. Lastly, more money to produce magazine hence the ability to attract big acts.

Target audience
Bauer is well known for having a target audience leaning towards men. Therefore its target audience is men. It clearly shows this by the use of colour for the design of the magazine and also the artist/s that have been featured are mainly men. On the issue that I am analysing the artist is Pink Floyd’s Syd Barrett and the other artist that are in the issue are predominately male groups. This could be seen as bias or others can see it as they only feature good bands which happen to be mainly male. I think the targeted audience would be aged 25+. My reason for this is because young adults may not be familiar with some of the featured artist and is styled for the older generation. I think that people that would buy the magazine are people that are ranged from A1-C2 on the socio-economic scale as the magazine is pricey as opposed to other magazines. Lastly, the target audience would have a huge interest in the world of music.

Analysis of front cover


There are 3 sections of the contents. They are...
·         -‘Regulars’
·         -‘What goes on!’
·         -‘The Mojo filter’

Regulars- articles in this section appear in the magazine every new issue. For example ‘ask Fred’
What goes on-articles in this section inform the reader about anything major or new. For example ‘hot news’
The Mojo filter-articles in this section are all about the media. For example new books, DVD’s and newly released albums etc.

Overall, it has range in term of music as it offers different topics (New, good music and interviews) but it doesn’t have scope overall as it only has one focus. The obvious reason why these appeal to the target audience is simply because the target audience has an interest in music and it covers a wide range of musical topics. For example new releases to interviews with artists.

Main links include...
·       -  News
·        - Features- disc of the day, blog, interviews, competitions, photo gallery, video, Mojo extras.
·         -Newsletter sign up
·         -Gallery
·         -Tickets
·         -Mojo shop
·         -Message boards
·         -Subscribe
·         -Covers

Also, the website has links to Bauers other magazines (free advertisement). Another point to add is that that the magazine makes use of social networking and publishes a link to various social networkers for example twitter, facebook etc. This is so the reader/viewer can be a fan/follow ‘Mojo’ and keep up you date with events and notifications. Also it is a great way to increase the magazine’s popularity as so many people use social networking so by ‘spreading the word’ it will have a huge impact.

Promotion of website
The magazine does not promote the website.There could be lots of reasons for this. For example the magazine has such a huge popularity that the editor doesn’t feel the need to promote the website. Also, it doesn’t promote any other use of digital technology like downloading.  This maybe because the issue that I analysed was four years old and downloading has only been becoming more heard of since the last 3 years. 

 Specifically, there are 75 different advertisements in the magazine with some taking up a whole page whereas others only take up a small section of the page. The main things that are advertised are new albums or concerts/gigs.