School magazine planning

Magazine name: county high

Typography-Font + size
Masthead-stencil, size 85
Other writing e.g. contents: times new roman, size 30
Colour scheme: black, pink,  blue
Primary image: long shot of a sixth form girl striking a comical confused pose. 

1. Fashion column
3. Music column
5. Exam notifications
7. Real life:
8. School events
9. House activity’s
10. After school activities
11. Puzzles/games

What’s going to be in each section?
Introduction: the introduction will be basically about what’s going to be in the magazine.

Fashion column: this section will inform sixth formers about the new dress code they should wear. I will include pictures.

Music column: I will publish an interview with school band

Exam notifications: this will have information about the 2010 exam results and forthcoming exam notifications.

Real life: this section will have an interview with sixth former planning to compete in charity event.
School events: this section will be used to persuade people to ‘help out on open day’.

House activities: this will have information about the ultimate Frisbee competition.

After school activities: This section will inform sixth formers the after school activites that they can do.

Puzzles/games: this will have intellectual crossword’s (brain training).